As the National Governing Body for Weightlifting in Ireland, we are committed to good practice which protects children and vulnerable adults from harm. Weightlifting Ireland aim to provide a safe, structured, inclusive, friendly environment for all members through our clubs and providers.
Club Children’s Officers, coaches and volunteers accept and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which always promotes safety. Clubs should adhere to and always reference these policies.
Weightlifting Ireland request that as well as Weightlifting Ireland’s Child Safety Statement, we also require each club to print off and hang this ‘Know your Children’s Officers’. This documents is available in the Level 1 Recourses & Checklist Pack and has your clubs Children’s Officer’s photography, name and contact details along with your NGB National Children’s Officer’s photography, name and contact details.
Weightlifting Ireland’s policies are based on the 2015 Children’s Act guidelines contained in the:
Sport Ireland Safeguarding Guidance for Children and Young People in Sport document.
Weightlifting Ireland Code of Ethics and Safeguarding in Weightlifting.
For further information regarding safeguarding or any child protection issues please contact: