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Anti-Doping Rules

Date: January, 15th (Saturday)

Time: 3:00pm (Zoom)

Registration Form: [https://forms.gle/Pym8WoEbFifc2ing9]

Weightlifting Ireland’s next seminar will be on January, 15th at 3:00pm and it is an “Anti-Doping Rules – 2022 Update”.

This Seminar will be presented by Harry Leech, WI Anti-Doping Officer & Paul O’Donovan (TBC), Sport Ireland’s Anti-Doping Education Manager and will be accessible to every athlete, coach & official of Weightlifting Ireland, FREE of charge to active members.
🟢(Individual membership goes live on January, 10th – 2022 / Monday).
The seminar will cover:
  1. An introduction to the anti-doping rules.
  2. The WADA 2022 Prohibited list.
  3. Use of Over the Counter (OTC) and prescriptions medications.
⚠️ This seminar is especially pertinent to active athletes, particularly those who want to compete internationally 2022.
⚠️ Anti-doping education is an annual requirement for any athlete who wishes to compete internationally at all levels (youth through to master).
⚠️ It is also important that the anti-doping officer or a nominated officer of each Club attend this seminar.

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